What is an EIN?
As defined by the IRS, EIN is an Employer Identification Number also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number. EIN is used to identify a business entity. You need an EIN if you are planning to file an electronic 2290 Tax return.
But I have a social security number, can’t I use that to file my 2290?
The IRS no longer accepts 2290 Tax forms electronically using social security numbers. You are required to file your 2290 Form with only an EIN. It is easy and free to apply for an EIN. It takes just a couple of minutes.
Need to apply for a new EIN? Click Here
Please Note: It takes two weeks before your new EIN becomes part of the IRS’s permanent records. Your return will not be accepted if you file before the two week passes.
Aren’t sure about the EIN online application process? Give us a call we will be happy to answer your questions. (888) 802-4299.
Written by Yesenia Carrillo