What Are Your Options?
The IRS recently changed its walk-in policy and you’ll now need an appointment if you’d like to visit your local IRS office to file your Form 2290. The IRS will be mailing out a post card to notify 2290 filers of this change soon. If it’s anything like previous post cards, it will recommend e-filing for those who need their Stamped Schedule 1 quickly.
But wait! There’s one more hang up. You must have an EIN to e-file, the IRS will reject a Social Security Number. The good news is that we’re here to help you.
Call us today 909-596-0050 and let us walk you through the e-file process.
If you need help getting an EIN, please call us and we will show you how to apply for an EIN – fast and free. It does take about two weeks to e-file with a new EIN, so it’s best to get started early.
You can call us directly to work with someone on our All American Support Team any time between 5am and 5pm Pacific, Monday through Friday. We will walk you through e-filing step by step and answer all your questions along the way.
2290tax.com makes filing a breeze. It’s fast, easy & secure. Get your stamped Schedule 1 in minutes.