MAP-12 Bill
The enactment of the MAP-12 bill required the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to develop a rule mandating the use of electronic logging devices (ELDs), hence the ELD Mandate.
ELDs will be used to electronically record a driver’s Record of Duty Status which will replace paper logbooks.
On December 10, 2015 the FMCSA established the minimum performance and design standards for hours of service electronic logging devices. The rule will take into effect December 16, 2017.
ELD Mandate
Fleets and owner operators will all be required by law to keep record of their hours electronically. Paper documentation of hours will no longer be accepted.
According to FMCSA, ELDs will save the industry $1 billion a year by reducing the amount of required industry paperwork. Also, it is said it will assist law enforcement personnel when it comes to reviewing driver records.
In addition, ELDs will automatically record driving time, monitor engine hours, vehicle movement, miles driven, and location information.
It is estimated to save, on average, 26 lives and prevent 562 injuries resulting from crashes involving large commercial motor vehicles.
Exceptions – Operating vehicles manufactured in the year 2000 or before are not required to keep such records through electronic form.
The mandate has attracted a lot of controversy being that many are either pro or against the new rule. What’s your take on the ELD mandate? What are you doing to prepare for the upcoming change?
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Written by Yesenia Carrillo