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How Much Does it Cost to E-File Your 2290?

The cost of e-filing your 2290 depends on whether you're an individual tax payer, or a Paid Preparer

Individual Tax Payer Prices

For an individual tax payer-an owner operator or company with multiple trucks but a single EIN-fees are based on the number of trucks in the fleet:

For 24 vehicles or less, you don't have to e-file, but if you do, you won't have to wait for your Stamped Schedule 1 to arrive in the mail. The IRS requires a company with 25 or more trucks to e-file. Companies with large fleets who make multiple filings every tax year should consider our annual subscription.

Paid Preparers

We offer a different service to paid paid preparers , who file taxes for multiple companies. If you fall into this category, we offer an annual subscription for multiple EINs (Employer ID Number). You can submit as many e-files as you need, at a cost of $20.00 per filing. This offers paid providers the flexibility they need, as their client list may fluctuate from year to year.

Fleet Managers

Fleet Managers work for the company they are filing for, but need to file for many EINs. It could be that fleet managers are helping the company owner operators, or that the company has many divisions.

Need More Information

For more information on our pricing schedule, check out our Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax filing fees. If you need help deciding which service is right for you, or if you have any questions at all, give us a call at (888) 802-4299. Our hours of operation are from 9:00am to 5:00pm Pacific Time. We return all messages promptly.

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